Friday 30 March 2012

Question 6 evaluation

Question 3 evaluation

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Question 2 Evaluation

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Question 1 Evaluation

Q. In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

Question 4+5-evaluation female profile

Question 4+5- Who would be the audience for your media product, Male profile

Double page spread annotation

Music magazine target audience

Conventions of music magazine

Music magazine front cover annotation

Initial ideas Music magazine

Before i started to construct my magazine i created a brainstorm. These are the first basic ideas i came up with when designing my magazine. In order to create my brainstorm i created a work document and filling in black boxes, arranged them to the position i wanted and wrote text in them. I believe it makes my magazine look more visually appealing.

Music magazine proposal

Double page spread flatplan

Contents page flatplan

Flatplan Music magazine front cover

Contents page refference

This is my contents page reference, As you can see the font type and text structure is similar to that of my contents page. This is because i wanted to create the effect that we can witness here. Although the layout of this isn't similar to this of my content page the this week column has certain traits that i have used to construct in the C page.

Pictures continued

Images i used for my music magazine

Double page spread final copy

Double page spread draft

Contents page final cover

Contents Draft 3

Contents draft 2

Contents page draft 1

Music magazine front cover draft 4

Music magazine front cover draft 3

Music magazine draft 2

Music magazine front cover draft 1

Music Magazine Front cover Final copy

Student magazine draft

Student magazine Contents page

Student Magazine Front cover

Student Magazine Proposal

Flat plan student magazine contents page

Flat plan student magazine front cover

Initial ideas Student magazine

Task 4 IPC case study

Task 3 Front cover images

Task 3 essay

Task 2 Part 1

Task 1 getting to know blogger